
You can apply for Pick-up/Buddy system here


What is the Pick-up & Buddy system all about? What do we offer?

Pick-up system

Before the arrival, foreign students can register into our Fiesta Web App. They state basic information about their arrival details and then someone from our club who is available on that date and time comes to pick them up! The pick-uper leads the foreign student to the dormitories and helps him with the accommodation and all the stuff around. Then it’s only up to the local and foreign student whether they want to stay in touch during the forthcoming months or not. Usually great friendships arise thanks to the Pick-up system!

Buddy system

Each foreign student can also apply for a Buddy. Again, it’s someone from the ESN VUT Brno who helps the foreign student with everyday life in Brno. Buddy is a guide. It’s a person who can be trusted and contacted anytime. In any case. You can even call him when you’re bored or in mood for a beer.